
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Bell patents helmet with hole for man-bun

I suppose I should file this under, "Things we should'a seen coming" but a search of motorcycle-related patents recently uncovered this one, for a motorcycle crash helmet with a hole in the top, for the wearer's "man-bun" to protrude. Other illustrations suggest that Bell also plans to produce full-face and moto-x versions in the man-bun style.

Although I was somehow unable to print it off the USPTO site, I note that Harley-Davidson's apparel division has also filed a trademark for a so-called "Beard Rag" -- which looks like a do-rag for the rider's lower facial area. It's not obvious from their application if the Beard Rag differs in any way from a conventional bandanna.


  1. whats up mark, is this your aprils fools article?

  2. Choosing a helmet for child comes first by proper sizing. Indeed children grow up fast and many sizes available. Also make sure they have air holes and that they meet the standard which validates the quality of the bike helmet. Helmet Now

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